Legal Entities & Contacts

SEO Expert OÜ Private Limited Company, Reg.№: 14957109, Incorporation Date: 23 April 2020 Now the legal entity is in the restructuring phase (M&A)

Address: Vesivärava 50-201, 10152, Tallinn, Estonia Phone: +372 58377405 Email:

— Shegby is part of the Startup Estonia ecosystem from 2022. — Shegby - private travel transfer service (before the pivot in 2023) is the winner of the 'Sharing Services' nomination [11 October 2019]

Shegby Inc. Delaware C-Corp, File Number: 7379485, Incorporation Date: 29 March 2023

Address: 2261 Market Street #5175 San Francisco, CA 94114 US Email:

— AWS Activate portfolio raised with $100,000 limit. — Shegby is a part of the YC Startup School.

The companies listed are currently established and can be (or are already being) used for product development and business operations. To access the Shegby dataroom, please contact the project founder by email:

You can discover Shegby with all the links collected in one

Last updated