Legal Entities & Contacts

SEO Expert OÜ Private Limited Company, Reg.№: 14957109, Incorporation Date: 23 April 2020 Now the legal entity is in the restructuring phase (M&A)

Address: Vesivärava 50-201, 10152, Tallinn, Estonia Phone: +372 58377405 Email:

— Shegby is part of the Startup Estonia ecosystem from 2022. — Shegby - private travel transfer service (before the pivot in 2023) is the winner of the 'Sharing Services' nomination [11 October 2019]

Shegby Inc. Delaware C-Corp, File Number: 7379485, Incorporation Date: 29 March 2023

Address: 2261 Market Street #5175 San Francisco, CA 94114 US Email:

— AWS Activate portfolio raised with $100,000 limit. — Shegby is a part of the YC Startup School.

You can discover Shegby with all the links collected in one

Last updated